Saturday, April 25, 2009

Where I Stand Now

One week after returning from treatment at Hope4Cancer in Mexico, here's where things stand:
I'll follow the two weeks of treatment at the clinic with eight weeks of home treatment by ultrasound (more on this in a later post)

My anemia has become very severe. My hemoglobin level has declined to 8.72, which means that I am ridiculously weak (like can't-make-myself-get-out-of-bed weak). Fortunately I'm getting a blood transfusion today that should make me feel much better for a few weeks (the last one helped me out for 5 weeks).

My appetite is also in the tank, and it's been hard to force myself to eat anything substantial. Being in the clinic helped, but now that I'm home it's a bit hard to reproduce that kind of regular, encouraing routine! The blood transfusion today should also make me more hungry.

Liz has decided that she shouldn't / doesn't want to commit to our relationship, so we will be going our separate ways.

Accordingly, I want to extend a heartfelt thank you to those of my friends that have stood by me and offered their assistance -- thank you all so much! Your kind thoughts and offers have helped immensely and I love you dearly for it.

UPDATE (4/27): the blood transfusion helped tremendously -- both my energy and appetite are much improved -- yay!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love you and am thinking about you: sending my best healing thoughts.
