Thursday, January 29, 2009
dealing with new symptoms
I'm a hardcore morning person. Every day I get up with an almost-unflappable positive attitude (which I cultivate as much as I can.) Usually I can't even remember anything bad that might have bugged me the day before; the slate gets wiped clean every day.
The past few mornings have been a bit challenging, though. My sense of being an independent observer looking at all my "cancer stuff" is dissolving, because I'm having to deal with more symptoms on a daily basis. My appetite is starting to decrease for the first time in the whole adventure. One out of every two days my hips are painful enough to make me pop a Celebrex for relief. I'm starting to occasionally feel the tumors in my spine, shoulder and jaw. Today I'm a little bit nauseous.
Most of what bugs me is just the worry and anxiety tht the symptoms will get worse if I don't find a way to turn this around pretty soon. But still. Dang.
As a morning person, I totally identify with your mentality on waking up to a new day. I was sad to read this, but you're so positive, and that's so great.
I love mornings. With daylight savings time, we get more morning. I'll think of you in the mornings and send my love especially then.
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