Friday, March 7, 2008

The Shot

OK, I went into Lone Star Oncology for my 3-month Trelstar shot today.

No big deal. I drop my drawers and the nurse injects it into my bottom and I'm on my way, with only a tiny amount of residual soreness.

I will admit to being a little wistful, though. I had previously been on hormone blockage from last July until this January, when Dr. Shimkus took me off of it because my PSA was so low, down to 1.6. This was a direct result of my combined immune treatment therapy with Dr. Thaller in Germany (OR my custom supplement therapy, OR a combination of the two!)

So being back on the blockage means that things are a bit more serious again.

But it also means another 3 (and probably 6) months without testosterone. And that means no sex. No erections, no nothin', zip, nada. It took me a month to regain my sexual function after going off of the hormone blockage in January…which works out to just a couple of weeks ago. So I get a little bit of tease of what life was like before the hormone blockage therapy, and then back on the wagon.

I have to say, it isn't the sex that I miss so much, though I do. My girlfriend Liz has been fabulously, over-the-top, beyond-the-call-of-duty patient. But even though it's a big part, that is indeed just a part of what I miss.

Strangely (surprisingly!) it's my whole point of view that seems slightly off-kilter. When my testosterone kicked in again last month, I noticed I had a little bit more verve, it was more fun being out and about ("hey, look, half the world is female!")

Oh well, it wasn't like I was a *complete* glump for the last six months -- as drug therapies go, this one feels pretty tame. And the alternatives are definitely deplorable! So here I go again, wish me luck.

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