Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Day in the Life -- Part 1

Here's a quick outline of the procedure I go through every morning to keep things rolling for my enzyme treatment.

6:30am -- Turn on near-infrared sauna so it can warm up to 110 degrees.

Meditate for (at least) 20 minutes.

6:50am -- Take 5 chlorella tablets. Enter sauna for 20 minutes. (It's like a rotisserie -- I bake each side for 5 minutes, then rotate 90 degrees!)

7:15am -- take 2 tablespoons of post-sauna electrolytes.

Take AM supplements (20 tablets total, plus tinctures):

• aloe vera extract
• blue-green algae
• Cytozyme-THY (thymus gland extract)
• Immune System Activator (beta-glucan)
• Coriolus PSP
• 5 Mushroom Extract tincture
• Bach Flower remedy (Gentian, Rescue Remedy, Chestnut Bud, Scleranthus)
• Caprobiotics (probiotics)
• PanAlone (pancreatic enzymes)
• ProstaSol (herbal hormones -- see )
• Prostabel (pao pereira + rauwolfia vomitoria extracts -- see

7:25am -- start coffee enema (prepared the night before)

8:35am -- eat 14-grain raw cereal + fruit (prepared the night before)

9:15am -- take post-breakfast supplements (29 tablets total)

• Perque2 Life Guard (multivitamin + mineral)
• Perque Bone Guard (calcium + other minerals for bone supplementation)
• Strontium (for bones)
• gingko biloba
• Vitamin D3
• Vitamin C
• alpha lipoic acid
• Master Amino Acid Pattern
• Omega-3
• Montiff Liver Protec (silymarin + d-alpha tocopheryl succinate + quercitin)
• PanAlone (pancreatic enzymes)

…and that's it for the morning! I'm ready to head off to work for a few hours.

(procedure to be continued!)


Jill said...

Hi Nick,
Just checking in to see how life is in enzyme land. I know it has it's ups and downs for sure. I hope you're doing well.

Nick said...

Hi Jill,

Well, life is interesting! Ups and downs and an interesting upcoming sideways -- will post some updates today. I hve a question about your life in enzyme land -- email me at nick at outskirts dot net. Hope all is well!
