Thursday, October 18, 2007

"So, how *are* you??"

I get that question all the time, and understandably so.

Cancer is a frightening disease, and this perception isn't helped by the fact that most standard cancer treatments make the patient look even *worse*.

Chemo and radiation are so pervasive in this society that we have started thinking that cancer patients = cancer patients with chemo, and we expect anyone who has cancer to lose their hair, look fatigued, appear wasted and skinny, etc. There's a Proposition here in Texas for more cancer research, and the billboards show a bald woman -- as if *all* cancer patients must forevermore look like that!

I keep reminding people that there are alternative treatments for almost any cancer, and that they really do have a choice beyond just chemo and radiation. I'm definitely not an expert on any cancer at all -- and even with regards to prostate cancer I'm just a very-highly motivated researcher. But even with those caveats I've found lots of options.  If you know of anyone that has received a diagnosis of cancer, just have them google "the Moss Reports". Ralph Moss is a researcher that has collected a lot of information on cancer treatments (both conventional and alternative) and has put them into individualized reports for each type of cancer. His reports saved me literally hundreds (if not thousands) of hours of research.

OK, so I'm ranting -- but how am I? The treatments I'm receiving at the PraxisKlinik in Germany are based on strengthening my immune system rather than poisoning the cancer. The upshot is that I look and feel almost normal. I have all my hair, I have no sunken eyes or drawn features, and in fact I've (thankfully) lost 15 pounds over the past few months because of a much-improved diet.

I'll be evaluating the treatments every six months to see how they are doing against the cancer -- the cancer will indeed cause horrible symptoms if it grows unchecked. But that's not happening now.

So, short answer: I'm doing great -- how are you?


JillF said...

Hi Nick,This is Jill Fisher- Rick Turner's ex. Sounds like you're doing just great. I am a 3x breast cancer survivor, with the most recent diagnosis occurring last November. For me the cancer has been about spiritual growth, each time is an opportunity to grow and change and get a bigger better life. Last time I had it I told no one, (it was metastisis throughout my abdomen), I knew it wasn't serious although the surgeon basically closed me up to go home and die. lol I am way over that kind of stuff. I went back on my clean diet, drank alkaline water and did shots of wheat grass every day. I also did some important emotional work with cranail sacral therapy. In two months time all my numbers were normal and my radioactive scan was negative. My oncologist was amazed. Cancer is not a death sentence, to me it's about choosing to live. And I am, and I can see you are too, congratualtions Nick. I'd love to chat if you are up for, take care, Jill.

Joan of Art said...

Hey sweetie- I hope your dam Nazi cells are suffering!!!! Dam those farts. Keep the visualization intact, you are doing great. Mind over body!!!! You have a great attitude indeed and alot of folks that love you. I know one thing, its alot better time to have cancer (if you just have to have it) than now with a survior rate increasing and the new technology and alternative healing paths you can take.
Take it from me, a lymphoma survivor-there is alot of hope!!!! Now I am going to look into my piggie bank and give you what I got.
much love,